Stondon Lower School PTA
What do we do?
We are a registered Charity (number 1106041) who work together with parents and teachers to raise funds for the School.
Throughout the year we organise events to raise funds that directly benefit our pupils. Our main
events are the Autumn Disco, Christmas Fair, Easter Egg Hunt and Summer Celebrations Evening, we
also host cake and ice lolly sales throughout the year.
What happens to the money we have raised?
We have recently purchased lots of new books for the school library, 10 ipads, and paid for a touring
theatre company to visit the school. Prior to this we have paid for the hall PE equipment, computer
equipment, 2 picnic tables, donated £5500 towards the trim trail as well as donating money towards
curriculum resources and author visits. Currently we are raising funds to maintain a mini bus which
will benefit the school in a number of ways including giving our children access to the outdoor
swimming pool at Shillington Lower School during the summer term.
How you can help
We are always in need of new committee members and help with events. A lot of our committee
members work full time, so meetings are very flexible taking part in the evenings, weekends at the
park with the kids and sometimes online to help with childcare. You do not have to attend every
meeting to be a part of the committee and can put in as much or as little time as you have. If you
have any skills such as event planning, graphic design, any ideas for future fundraising, or even if you
just want to meet other parents from the school and do some rewarding volunteer work, we look
forward to hearing from you!
We are always looking for raffle prizes so if you have any unwanted gifts or own or work for a
company that could donate a prize or an experience please let us know.
You can also help raise money for school by shopping online with Easy Fundraising. This is free and
simple to use with over 2000 retailers such as John Lewis, eBay and Argos.
You can also find us on the ‘Smile’ part of Amazon Prime - Stondon Lower School PTA
And finally…
We would not be able to do the work that we do without the support of parents, grandparents,
friends, teachers and staff who come to the events and make them such a success. Your continued
support is much appreciated!
Contact Us
Facebook Group – Stondon Lower PTA