In order to ensure we allocate our pupil premium funding effectively each year, the leadership team meet and discuss any potential barriers to learning for our Disadvantaged (pupil premium) children. Action is then taken as to how to adapt current provision or put in additional provision, to ensure there is a positive impact on progress. The progress and attainment of our Disadvantaged pupils is analysed at termly Pupil Progress meetings between the leadership team and class teacher. The provision for our Disadvantaged pupils is monitored and reviewed at least termly, and reported to governors regularly.
We recognise that barriers to achievement take a variety of forms and will do whatever it takes to support a child, both in and out of the classroom. We use all our resources to ensure that every child has an equal opportunity to become an empowered learner. In order to achieve this we offer our children a wide range of opportunities and we always make sure these are accessible for everyone.
We are also aware that not all children who receive the Pupil Premium Grant will be socially disadvantaged and we also recognise that not all children that are disadvantaged receive the Pupil Premium Grant. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being disadvantaged or in danger of low achievement and attainment.
Open the links to see more detail about how this money was allocated and the impact of that spending for children.